Freedom calls to the hearts of those chosen to lead.


My father wanted me to go into politics. He was a man who would have served his country, yet they would not allow him to enlist because of his poor eyesight and flat feet. I watched as he found ways to serve, from volunteering to speaking to City Council on many occasions, to leading community activities that served those in need.

He was very patriotic and raised us to deeply appreciate the freedom’s our country provides and to not become expectant of any handouts.

I remember him saying, “We fund our government. It works for us. We must tell it what we need of it.”

I was studying the voting process in history and he drew out a graphic showing the pain our country would be in if the people stop participating in and understanding the power of our freedom to vote.

Freedom requires participation.

When there is a part of us existing in unrest it is a calling from the forces of Life to rise, we are being used to act. With unrest summon courage and move into the direction of our Soul’s calling even more. The calling for freedom is deeply within each of us

Whether it is freedom from outside suppression or freedom from internal doubts, fears and regrets, freedom is an invitation to gather ourselves and push through boundaries to arrive at a destination on the other side we have not yet experienced.

Freedom is a force that brings with it new possibilities, new life, new connections.

Freedom is not for the faint of heart, the weak, or those comfortable with the status quo.

Freedom is not for those who compare themselves to others, or
hope, one day, to finally “get there’s”.

Freedom calls within the heart of those who willingly see and face oppression, unfairness and places where love and respect do not yet live.

Freedom is an energy that we celebrate today. We celebrate courage and the power to choose our destinies.

To acknowledge those who have come before us, those who mindfully know that freedom is not easily won, nor easily kept.

If you think to your own mental energies of damaging thoughts that plague the mind in doubts, fears and memories where things could have been different, those mental energies are the first level of freedom we must seek power from.

Like mental energies that attack, so will outside sources that seek for power over others. The free must stay vigilant and appreciative of their freedoms. We must not go to sleep thinking we will always have the rights to a free life of choice.

Today we celebrate our own strengths, our own mindfulness and celebrate the fact that we DO live in a country of freedom and liberty for all. The more we see and appreciate our freedom’s the more justice and fairness we will act for and support in our world.

Let us not go to sleep and forget.

Freedom is courage.


May our hearts and eyes open to the freedom and power within our Souls.

Happy Fourth of July. 🇺🇸


Tina Marie St.Cyr and the Bonfire Coaching Team

We are here to serve your next level of freedom, power, courage and happiness.


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